Major Events
Melbourne Millennium Celebrations – Yarra River, Melbourne 1999/2000
Harold Upton and his company were contracted to assist with the design and construction of the pre New Years Eve spiritual dreaming fire sculptures using the unique “Gold Fire Rope”. Following this the most visible part of the Millennium Fireworks Display, the largest Fireworks Display ever conducted in Victoria, with pyrotechnics in four separate locations along one kilometre of the Yarra River was conducted using the most advanced electronic firing system in the world; the Firemaster II Plus from Parente in Italy.
Centenary of the High Court of Australia – Lake Burly Griffin, Canberra 2003
A sky show manufactured and constructed then choreographed to start with an Aboriginal Dance troupe and then finish with a live fly past and fuel burn by an RAAF F1-11, a feat never previously undertaken in Australia.
Olympic Torch Community Celebrations – Flemington, Melbourne 2000
A special community event held in a delicate location, Flemington Racecourse – home to tens of millions of dollars of valuable horses. The challenge, in which we were successful, was to conduct a successful fireworks display highlighting the Melbourne skyscape without distressing the resident horses.
Ricky Martin Livin’ La Vida Loca Concert – Colonial Stadium Melbourne 2000
Special pyrotechnics effects that accompanied this amazing international performance at colonial Stadium as an indoor event (roof closed) were designed and manufactured, then installed and fired by Harold Upton.
Macau Fireworks Competition – Pearl River, China 2002
Harold Upton and his team manufactured and constructed this display near Queanbeyan NSW, loaded it into two 20-foot shipping containers and shipped them to China for this massive fireworks display. The display included about 2200 aerial shells including 142 @ 150mm and 45 @ 200mm with a commercial value of over $500,000.00.
Summernats Street Machine Nationals Canberra #9 (Dec 1995) – #23 (Jan 2012)
With a budget of under $30,000.00 Australian Dollars this pyrotechnic display consistently rates above the multi-million dollar New Years Eve fireworks displays on Sydney Harbour. The Summernats are the largest pyrotechnic displays conducted within a stadium in Australia.
Australia Day in the National Capital Sky Show – Canberra 1997 – 2004
A major sky show fired from three pontoons featuring the “Dam-Buster Water Shell” special effect invented by Harold Upton that bounces across the water with a silver tail before bursting upwards in to purple and silver sparks. This display is consistently rated better than the local Sky Fire conducted by a major Sydney company with three times the budget and this water effect is an absolute favourite with the audience.
Beating the Retreat and the 1812 Overture Australian Royal Military College (RMC) Duntroon – Canberra 1999 – 2003
Precisely choreographed to live music from the RMC Band by Harold Upton. Advanced computer firing systems could not work because the timing of live music can not be known precisely; only a trained human eye and ear could accurately match the music. The commandant of the college personally congratulated ACT Fireworks on the best display they had ever had and this was achieved with a 30% reduction in budget compared to that previously provided by the Sydney based company.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Television “Good News Week” Indoor Display – Canberra 1998
An in door pyrotechnic display for a major, top rating television series. The display was designed, manufactured, installed and fired by Harold Upton in less than four hours! That is correct, less than four hours from design through manufacture to firing. We were called in at the last moment when the intended special effects were found to not comply with local safety regulations. The display was such a success that the television footage was used to promote the show for over one year and their in-house team of pyrotechnicians now copies our designs on a regular basis.
Canberra Play House Opening Indoor pyrotechnics 1998
Opening of the National Capital of Australia’s Theatre, “The Play House”, featuring coloured “Indoor Snow” and stage effects designed and manufactured byHarold Upton. The “Indoor Snow” is hand cut into three-cm square pieces of coloured tissue paper and then pyrotechnically discharged from balloons in the roof. It falls like real snow with a gentle and surreal effect with plenty of audience appeal.
Australian Parliament House – Canberra New years Eve 1999/2000
The Chief Minister’s Ball featured coloured “Indoor Snow” designed and manufactured by Harold Upton. The was the first time pyrotechnics had been allowed in the Great Hall and in fact the first time pyrotechnics had been allowed in side Australia’s new Parliament House.
Canberra Casino New Years Eve 1999/2000
Special indoor effect were used in two live gaming rooms in the Casino to mark New Years Eve. This was the first time in Australia that a live gaming room used pyrotechnics.
Canberra National Multicultural Festival – Official Fireworks Company 1999 & 2000
Harold Upton designed and manufactured two “Gold Fire Rope” Sculptures of the official logo of the festival for the opening and closing ceremonies. Carefully selected pyrotechnic effects were used to bring the logo to life. ACT Fireworks manufactured a bright red flame projector cannon for the indoor launch.
Carmina Burana – Canberra Festival Fire Event 1995 – Directed by Neil Cameron
Harold Upton designed and manufactured this massive pyrotechnic Fire Sculpture featuring a 6.0 metre Catherine wheel set amongst a pyramid of fountains and backed by special effects. The production featured a large choir, full orchestra and many actors.
Dante’s Inferno – Canberra Festival Fire Event 1996 – Directed by Neil Cameron
Another Fire Sculpture, recreating the burning of hell, accompanied by a choir, orchestra and many actors. Harold Upton designed the choreography for the special effects, many of which were attached to the costumes of the actors.
Desert Blast Fire Rope Sculpture – Nevada USA 1998 & 1999
Harold Upton and Gail Featherby were the first Australians invited to this prestigious invitation only pyrotechnic event in Nevada. We were invited to demonstrate our unique “Gold Fire Rope” which burns for over 13 minutes. We manufactured, in the USA, a “Desert Blast” sign for each event. In 1999 we provided a special effect imitating the Min-Min Lights, or spirit lights, of the Australian outback.
Super League Launch (Canberra) 1996 & 1997
The spectacular launch of the Super League football competition in Canberra featured a fireworks display conducted by Harold Upton with a $5,000.00 display that was rated better than the $10,000.00 displays from two Sydney companies in the same location.
Dream Keeper – Canberra Festival Fire Event 1998 – Directed by Neil Cameron
A massive fire sculpture designed to hold peoples written dreams. The sculpture was brought to life with special effects creating a surreal pyrotechnic atmosphere that released the burning dreams fulfilling the wishes of the audience, cast and crew.
University Games – Canberra 1996
The ‘Olympics’ for University Students. Harold Upton conducted the opening and closing ceremonies with spectacular indoor and outdoor pyrotechnic displays. Due to poor weather the location of the closing ceremony changed place three times in two days. The unique pyrotechnic equipment used by ACT Fireworks enabled the complete display to be re-located without any problems at short notice.
Songs of Fire – Canberra Festival Fire Event 1997 – Directed by Neil Cameron
A massive fire sculpture, a large choir, full orchestra, and many actors that featured a pyramid of fountains, filled with large Catherine wheels and a two level, pyrotechnic waterfall. The display had to be re-constructed three times in three days because of massive storms that destroyed the stage and outdoor sculpture twice.
Queanbeyan 175th Anniversary September 2013
A unique pyrotechnic display adjacent to the Queanbeyan River featuring handmade special effects, traditional hand lit fireworks, as well as state-of-the-art radio remote controlled computer assisted electronic firing lit up the river bank, the river, and all the happy faces of the crowd.

Australia Day – Canberra 1999
In 1999, Canberra lit up in spectacular fashion for Australia Day, with a vibrant firework display painting the night sky in brilliant hues of red, blue, and gold. The iconic event, featuring pyrotechnics cascading over Lake Burley Griffin, marked an unforgettable chapter in the city’s celebration of Australia Day.